You must read, understand, accept and agree to all terms and conditions of this agreement before using the app and / or receiving the content contained therein. By accessing or using the site, the user is deemed to have understood and agreed to all content in the terms and conditions below. Terms and conditions can be changed or updated at any time without prior notice. Changes to these terms and conditions will take effect immediately after being posted on the website. If the User has objected to the terms and conditions that we have submitted in this agreement, we strongly advise against using the site.

Term of use sites

When visiting and using the website, including any features and services, every user is required to comply with the following site user requirements :

1.1 Users 18 years old, have been married, or who already have legally approved requirements fall within the category of mature users / regardless of child protection law.

1.2 Access to this site is permitted only for the purposes and interests of purchasing digital works (products) and information related to the services of this site.

1.3 Users may not reproduce, distribute, display, sell, rent, transmit, create derivative works from, translate, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, disassemble or exploit sites.

1.4 Users may not post and publish content that:

1.4.1 It infringes any copyright, patent, trademark, service mark, trade secret or other proprietary rights.

1.4.2 Threatening, obscene, indecent, pornographic or may result in any civil or criminal liability of Indonesia or international law. 1.4.3 Contains bugs, viruses, worms, trap doors, Trojan horses or codes and other harmful property.

1.5 Nothing and can not download the product or content before its users are registered as “Member”, and have agreed with “ License agreement”.

Review and Comment

2.1 All comments and reviews written on the website will be categories and treated as non-confidential content

2.2 The reviews have been written to be owned by and are non-refundable.

2.3 You are prohibited from writing by using the identity of others.

2.4 You are prohibited from writing comments or reviews containing harassment sentences against or other third parties.

2.5 reserves the right to modify or delete comments and reviews containing inappropriate sentence elements (SARA, Pornography, Harassment, Insult, Pollution, etc.).

Intellectual Property Rights is the sole owner or rightful holder of all rights to the site and the contents of the site. All content contained in the site includes intellectual property that is protected by copyright laws and laws that protect other applicable intellectual property worldwide. All proprietary rights and intellectual property rights to sites and their contents remain with Us, its affiliates or license owned. The contents of site. Any rights not expressly contained in this agreement or by Us are hereby protected by law including :

3.1 All Software Ownership.

3.2 names, related icons and logos are registered trademarks in various jurisdictions and protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary intellectual property rights. It is strictly forbidden to use, alter, or install any of the above mentioned brands for personal benefit and to disclose


4.1 The price listed on website may change at any time.

4.2 The method of purchasing at is valid only by means of digital systems downloaded online through shopping carts, order and delivery of products will be processed after payment received by bank account on behalf of

4.3 If there is a problem in the process of sending the product automatically after the payment is made by the buyer, that is the link or link that is sent automatically along with the purchase order email, and the link or link is not working or error, then will send the link or link new manually. The process of manually sending links or links is not limited by a certain time.

4.4 Items purchased can not be returned or exchanged for other products, without exception. Please be assured carefully before making a purchase.

4.5 All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained. does not warrant with all due respect to the accuracy of such data, including product specifications or editorial.


If under certain circumstances, there is a price error or information about a particular product caused by typos (Typo) errors or price errors and information originating from the administrator. reserves the right to refuse or cancel orders that use the wrong price including the order already paid. If the order has been paid with Credit Card, and your credit card has been charged for the purchase, we will refund the amount paid.

Registered users

5.1 Be a registered user, then referred to as “Member”, free of charge / free.

5.2 By choosing to create account as a member of site, member will create an account name and password when completing the registration process.

5.3 Member is responsible for maintaining confidentiality and security on behalf of the account and password and the Registered User is solely responsible for all activities on behalf of the Registered User account name.

5.4 Member agrees to:

5.4.1 Immediately notify us of any alleged unauthorized use by the name of your member account.

5.4.2 Ensure that the member is logged out of the account at the end of the activity on site to avoid possible misuse of the account.

5.5 We reserve the right wholly to restrict, block or terminate the services of any account, prohibit access to sites and the content, services, and slow or remove hosted content, and take legal measures to safeguard Member or other users if  we consider member or other users to violate applicable laws, violate intellectual property rights of related parties, or commit an infringement in violation of the terms of this agreement.

5.6 That member is not allowed to sell, attempt to sell, offer to sell, deliver, assign or transfer Account, User Identity or Password to third parties without our prior knowledge and prior written consent. We may suspend or terminate the member account of or the Account of the party receiving the transfer from the member of sold, offered for sale, given, submitted or transferred in violation of the provisions of this Article. Where with the limitation of our ability to identify these violations, then all consequences, risks are the sole responsibility of the transferring member

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